Carol Scherer, Certified Director
Carol has been director of Chisholm Trail Chorus since 1997 and was the assistant director for 16 years prior to that. She joined Sweet Adelines in 1981 and was a founding member of the chorus. She became a certified Sweet Adeline Director in 1993 and a Harmony 500 Director in 2018. Carol is coordinator of the Region 10 Director Certification Program. She was honored with the 2014 Hall of Fame Award by the Great Gulf Coast Region 10 Regional Management Team. Carol has an Associate Degree in Sacred Music from Perkins Theology at Southern Methodist University and is Director of Music Ministries at the First United Methodist Church in Belton, TX. Prior to that she was assistant director of music and played the organ and piano at worship services. In addition, Carol teaches private voice lessons and is a quartet and chorus voice coach. She is a member of Rich-Tone Chorus in Dallas and has sung in several quartets at the Regional level.
Carol has been director of Chisholm Trail Chorus since 1997 and was the assistant director for 16 years prior to that. She joined Sweet Adelines in 1981 and was a founding member of the chorus. She became a certified Sweet Adeline Director in 1993 and a Harmony 500 Director in 2018. Carol is coordinator of the Region 10 Director Certification Program. She was honored with the 2014 Hall of Fame Award by the Great Gulf Coast Region 10 Regional Management Team. Carol has an Associate Degree in Sacred Music from Perkins Theology at Southern Methodist University and is Director of Music Ministries at the First United Methodist Church in Belton, TX. Prior to that she was assistant director of music and played the organ and piano at worship services. In addition, Carol teaches private voice lessons and is a quartet and chorus voice coach. She is a member of Rich-Tone Chorus in Dallas and has sung in several quartets at the Regional level.

Vicki Davis, Assistant Director
Vicki was named assistant director of the chorus in May 2016. She has been a Sweet Adeline since 1998 and has held numerous positions in the chorus including Music Team, baritone section leader, Board of Directors and Financial Manager. She also serves on the Region 10 Competition Steering Committee. Vicki is enrolled in the SAI Director Certification Program. Her musical experience before Sweet Adelines was limited to piano lessons and church/school choirs but the moment she heard the chorus sing a few measures at a Thursday rehearsal she was hooked. Vicki has attended nearly every regional event over the past 26 years and shares that education with the chorus through PVIs, vocal warmups, and in bass and baritone section rehearsals. She has been an Accounting Specialist for the Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board for 41 years.
Vicki was named assistant director of the chorus in May 2016. She has been a Sweet Adeline since 1998 and has held numerous positions in the chorus including Music Team, baritone section leader, Board of Directors and Financial Manager. She also serves on the Region 10 Competition Steering Committee. Vicki is enrolled in the SAI Director Certification Program. Her musical experience before Sweet Adelines was limited to piano lessons and church/school choirs but the moment she heard the chorus sing a few measures at a Thursday rehearsal she was hooked. Vicki has attended nearly every regional event over the past 26 years and shares that education with the chorus through PVIs, vocal warmups, and in bass and baritone section rehearsals. She has been an Accounting Specialist for the Texas State Soil & Water Conservation Board for 41 years.

Sheila Donahue, Assistant Director, Vocal Skills Development
Sheila was named assistant director of the chorus in July 2021. She became a certified Sweet Adeline director in 2023 and is enrolled in the SAI Arranger Certification Program. Sheila was in the charter chorus in 1982 but left a year later due to ‘life events.’ She rejoined Sweet Adelines and the chorus in July 2015 and is currently President of the Board of Directors. She has also served as vice president; is a member of the Music Team; and co-chair of the show committee. She has been a dual member with The Woodlands Show Chorus for 6 years. She has a BFA in music education from Stephen F. Austin State University; MA in music from Sam Houston State University; MEd from Tarleton State University; and a Certification in Kodály Methodology. Sheila was a public-school music educator for nearly 30 years before serving 8 years as Director of Fine Arts for Killeen ISD until retirement. She continues to teach in Kodály teacher certification programs throughout the U.S. and is a published composer and arranger of accessible choral literature for children’s choirs. Sheila enjoys travel, basket weaving, quilting, gardening and building balloon sculptures for private and Region 10 events.
Sheila was named assistant director of the chorus in July 2021. She became a certified Sweet Adeline director in 2023 and is enrolled in the SAI Arranger Certification Program. Sheila was in the charter chorus in 1982 but left a year later due to ‘life events.’ She rejoined Sweet Adelines and the chorus in July 2015 and is currently President of the Board of Directors. She has also served as vice president; is a member of the Music Team; and co-chair of the show committee. She has been a dual member with The Woodlands Show Chorus for 6 years. She has a BFA in music education from Stephen F. Austin State University; MA in music from Sam Houston State University; MEd from Tarleton State University; and a Certification in Kodály Methodology. Sheila was a public-school music educator for nearly 30 years before serving 8 years as Director of Fine Arts for Killeen ISD until retirement. She continues to teach in Kodály teacher certification programs throughout the U.S. and is a published composer and arranger of accessible choral literature for children’s choirs. Sheila enjoys travel, basket weaving, quilting, gardening and building balloon sculptures for private and Region 10 events.